Services for Not-for-Profits

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Financial Management, Tax Qualification and Compliance

  • Planning, application for and compliance with tax-exempt status
  • Accounting controls and procedures
  • Internal and external financial reporting
  • Planned giving strategic planning
  • Capital campaign strategic planning
  • Consult on endowment management, investment and stewardship
  • Financial accounting compliance – financial statement reviews and audits
  • Tax compliance – Forms 990, 990-PF and related forms
  • Applications for tax-exempt status – Forms 1023 and 1024
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High Point Reviews

  • Internal accounting controls
  • Financial reporting
  • Tax reporting
  • Taxable fringe benefit reporting
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Accounting Controls – Endowments

  • Accounting for and controls over investments
  • Fund accounting
  • Unitization of separate funds
  • Tracking categories of net assets by restrictions
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Fiduciary Responsibility – Implementation and Monitoring

  • Conflict of interest policies / IRS Intermediate sanctions
  • Interim financial reporting
  • Endowment, investment and spending policies